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Rev. cuba. cir ; 62(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550837


Introducción: El plasma rico en plaquetas es un producto derivado de la sangre, rico en péptidos y proteínas de señalización intercelular, así como citoquinas capaces de intervenir en cada una de las etapas de la regeneración de varios tejidos. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas y leucocitos en pacientes con fisura anal secundaria que asistieron a la consulta de Coloproctología del Hospital Docente Provincial Oncológico María Curie de Camagüey en el período de enero de 2020 a enero de 2023. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental. El universo lo conformaron todos los pacientes que acudieron a consulta en ese período. La muestra no probabilística intencionada la conformaron 130 pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de fisura anal secundaria que recibieron tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas y leucocitos. Resultados: El tiempo de cicatrización de la fisura anal permitió corroborar la efectividad del tratamiento; además, la mayoría de los pacientes evolucionaron de forma favorable. El dolor fue la complicación más visible pues presentó significación estadística al establecer la relación entre las variables. Se demostró que el tratamiento con plasma rico en plaqueta y leucocitos en pacientes con fisura anal secundaria es efectivo y seguro en la evaluación final del tratamiento. Conclusiones: Lo expuesto permite considerar que los pacientes tratados obtuvieron buenos resultados al hacer uso del plasma rico en plaquetas y leucocitos. Por consiguiente, tiene un resultado positivo en no mostrar complicaciones y una alta posibilidad de que el paciente tratado evolucione en mejor condición(AU)

Introduction: Platelet-rich plasma is a blood-derived product, rich in peptides and intercellular signaling proteins, as well as cytokines capable of intervening in each of the stages of regeneration of various tissues. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of treatment with platelet- and leucocyte-rich plasma in patients with secondary anal fissure who attended the coloproctology office at Hospital Docente Provincial Oncológico María Curie of Camagüey from January 2020 to January 2023. Methods: A quasiexperimental study was carried out, whose universe consisted of all the patients who came for consultation during that period. The nonprobabilistic purposive sample consisted of 130 adult patients with a diagnosis of secondary anal fissure who received treatment with platelet- and leucocyte-rich plasma. Results: The healing time of the anal fissure allowed corroborating the effectiveness of the treatment; in addition, most of the patients evolved favorably. Pain was the most visible complication since it presented statistical significance when the relationship between the variables were established. Treatment with platelet- and leucocyte-rich plasma in patients with secondary anal fissure proved effective and safe in the final assessment of the treatment. Conclusions: The above allows considering that the treated patients obtained good outcomes when making use of platelet- and leucocyte-rich plasma. Therefore, it has a positive outcome, not showing complications and a high possibility for the treated patient to evolve in a better condition(AU)

Humans , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Fissure in Ano/therapy
Rev. cuba. cir ; 62(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550828


Introducción: Las enfermedades benignas de recto son muy frecuentes en la práctica médica habitual en todos los niveles de atención de salud. Dentro de estos procesos se reconoce que la fisura anal es uno de los más comunes. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes tratados con plasma rico en plaquetas y leucocitos por fisura anal secundaria en la provincia Camagüey en el período comprendido entre septiembre del 2020 y septiembre del 2022. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental, cuyo universo lo conformaron los pacientes con el diagnóstico de fisura anal secundaria que asistieron a la consulta de Coloproctología del Hospital Provincial Docente Oncológico María Curie. Se estableció una muestra no probabilística a criterio de los autores conformada por 132 pacientes adultos, quienes recibieron tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas y leucocitos por fisura anal secundaria en la provincia Camagüey. Resultados: Con respecto al sexo y a la edad, se observó una mayor frecuencia del grupo de 40 a 49 años y predominó el sexo femenino. El síntoma de mayor frecuencia fue el dolor, mientras que en la etiología prevaleció la proctitis facticia. En la mayoría de los casos estudiados la fisura anal cicatrizó en menos de 15 días y en cuanto a la evaluación final del tratamiento solo la minoría empeoró. Conclusiones: La caracterización de la muestra en estudio permite afirmar que el tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas y leucocitos tiene beneficios para los pacientes con fistulas perianales y su calidad de vida.

Introduction: Benign rectal diseases are very frequent in routine medical practice at all levels of health care. Among these processes, anal fissure is recognized as one of the most common. Objective: To characterize patients treated with platelet-rich plasma and leukocytes for secondary anal fissure in Camagüey Province between September 2020 and September 2022. Methods: A quasiexperimental study was carried out, whose universe was made up of patients with the diagnosis of secondary anal fissure who attended the coloproctology office at Hospital Provincial Docente Oncológico María Curie. A nonprobabilistic sample was established according to the authors' criterions, made up of 132 adult patients who received treatment with platelet-rich plasma and leukocytes for secondary anal fissure in Camagüey Province. Results: Regarding sex and age, a higher frequency was observed in the group 40 to 49 years old and the female sex was predominant. The most frequent symptom was pain, while the prevailing etiology was factitious proctitis. In most of the cases under study, the anal fissure healed in less than 15 days and, regarding the final assessment of the treatment, only the minority worsened. Conclusions: The characterization of the sample under study allows to affirm that treatment with platelet-rich plasma and leukocytes has benefits for patients with perianal fistulas and their quality of life.

Actual. osteol ; 18(1): 10-21, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1395661


La periodontitis es una patología inflamatoria que aumenta la resorción de hueso alveolar (HA), pérdida de la inserción dentaria y posible exfoliación. Evaluamos el efecto de la administración intermitente de bajas dosis de parathormona (PTH) 1-34 sobre la recuperación de la masa ósea pérdida en un modelo experimental de periodontitis inducida por una ligadura periodontal (LP) con hilo de algodón alrededor de la pieza dentaria. Las ratas fueron divididas luego de 5 días en instaurada la periodontitis en: CT LP sin trata-miento y PTH LP tratados con 0,2 µg/kg PTH 1-34 subcutánea local, tres veces por semana por 17 días. El control absoluto fue un tercer grupo sin LP (CT). Se estudiaron parámetros antropométricos, bioquímicos e histomosfométricos en tibias y hemimandibulas. La calcemia, fosfatemia, CTX sérico, PTHi y vo-lumen óseo (BV/TV%) de tibias fueron similares en los tres grupos. El BV/TV% del HA fue significativamente menor en PTH LP respecto de CT pero mayor que CT LP (p<0.05). La pérdida ósea de HA porcentual fue significativamente mayor en CT LP (p<0.05). La altura del ligamento periodontal fue significativamente menor en PTH LP que en CT (p<0.05) y mayor respecto de CT LP, sin alcanzar diferencias significativas. Los resultados del presente estudio piloto sugieren que la administración intermitente de PTH en bajas dosis y durante un periodo de tiempo corto disminuye la progresión de la enfermedad periodontal sin generar efectos sistémicos. Como no se logró regenerar totalmente el tejido periodontal se requieren estudios adicionales. (AU)

Periodontitis is an inflammatory chronic disease with high prevalence in adults that induces a progressive alveolar bone (AB) loss leading to tooth loss. Experimental periodontitis can be induced in rats by cotton ligature placement (LP) in the gingival sulcus around the molar teeth. The biofilm accumulation and disruption of the gingival epithelium lead to bone resorption. We investigated whether intermittent administration of a low dose of PTH 1-34 may recover the alveolar bone loss in the experimental periodontitis induced in female Wistar rats. Animals were randomly divided in two groups which were subcutaneously injected with: saline solution (CT LP) or 0,2 µg/kg PTH 1-34 (PTH LP) three times per week during 17 days. Unligated rats were taken as healthy controls (CT). Anthropometric, biochemical and histologic analysis of tibia and hemimandible were done. No differences in serum calcium, phosphorus, CTX, PTHi or subchondral tibia bone volume (BV/TV%) were observed between the three groups. AB BV/TV% was significantly lower in PTH LP than in CT but higher than in CT LP (p<0.05). The highest percentage of AB loss was observed in CT LP. The height of periodontal ligament was lower in PTH LP than in CT (p<0.05) but not significantly higher than CT LP.The increase in AB loss by experimental periodontitis appears to be corrected by the intermittent administration of low doses of PTH without systemic effect. As the recovery of periodontal tissue was only partial, additional studies should be done.

Animals , Female , Rats , Periodontitis/drug therapy , Alveolar Bone Loss/drug therapy , Teriparatide/administration & dosage , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Tibia/chemistry , Rats, Wistar , Disease Progression , Models, Animal , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Mandible/chemistry
FAVE, Secc. Cienc. vet. (En línea) ; 20(2): 97-102, jul. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375468


Resumen La subluxación sacroilíaca es una enfermedad claudiocógena de los miembros posteriores que se puede presentar de forma aguda o crónica. La causa de esta patología se debe principalmente a resbalones, tropezones o caídas de los miembros posteriores, el diagnóstico es difícil de realizar debido a la profunda ubicación anatómica de la articulación, métodos como la ecografía y pruebas de estrés entre otros, son los procedimientos más usados en el diagnóstico de la subluxación sacroiliaca. Por tratarse de una alteración que fácilmente puede confundirse con otras condiciones patológicas de la columna, la pelvis y/o de los miembros posteriores, el diagnóstico muchas veces se realiza por eliminación de otras causas de cojera. Los tratamientos convencionales aún se proponen en la literatura, sin embargo, cada vez como opción para el tratamiento de esta patología. El presente reporte describe el caso de un equino criollo que padeció una subluxación sacroiliaca aguda del lado derecho, la cual fue diagnosticada con un examen clínico que incluía ecografía percutánea y transrectal, y tratada con infiltraciones ecoguiadas de corticoides y aspirado de médula ósea. Un mes después de la última terapia, el caballo mostró una mejoría clínica en un 80% a 90% aproximadamente y retoma actividad física controlada.

Abstract Sacroiliac subluxation is a claudiogenic disease of the hind limbs that can present acutely or chronically. The cause of this pathology is mainly due to slipping, tripping, or falling of the hind limbs, the diagnosis is difficult to make due to the deep anatomical location of the joint, methods such as ultrasound and stress tests among others, are the procedures most used in the diagnosis of sacroiliac subluxation. As it is an alteration that can easily be confused with other pathological conditions of the spine, pelvis and / or the hind limbs, the diagnosis is often made by eliminating other causes of lameness. Conventional treatments are still proposed in the literature, however regenerative therapy is increasingly used as an option for the treatment of sacroiliac joint injuries. This report describes the case of a Creole horse that suffered an acute sacroiliac subluxation on the right side, which was diagnosed with a clinical examination that included percutaneous and transrectal ultrasound and treated with ultrasound-guided infiltrations of corticosteroids and cells of the bone marrow of the sternum without processing. One month after the last therapy, the horse showed an 80% to 90% recovery and resumed controlled physical activity.

Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 37(2): e1237, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289429


Introducción: En el tejido adiposo se han identificado células madre mesenquimales con capacidad autorrenovadora y multipotencial. Mediante digestión enzimática y centrifugado del lipoaspirado se libera una población heterogénea de células denominada fracción vascular estromal, con innumerables potencialidades terapéuticas en el campo de la medicina regenerativa. Objetivo: Actualizar el alcance de las células madre derivadas de tejido adiposo en la terapia regenerativa. Método: Se revisaron 38 artículos entre los años 2000 y 2019 en las bases de datos Scielo, ScienceDirect, Medline y Pubmed. Desarrollo: Las células de la fracción vascular estromal se caracterizan por su capacidad de generar tejido adiposo y vasos sanguíneos, y por la producción de factores de crecimiento que ayudan en la supervivencia de los adipocitos y la formación de una red vascular. El principal mecanismo de acción de las células madre derivadas de tejido adiposo parece deberse a su acción paracrina y a la sinergia con células endoteliales. En el campo de la medicina regenerativa se han utilizado en el tratamiento de cicatrices patológicas y de fibrosis deformantes con impotencia funcional, en las reconstrucciones de secuelas por cáncer y en el cierre precoz de zonas cruentas. Conclusiones: La lipotransferencia es un procedimiento con un mínimo de complicaciones que constituye una de las opciones terapéuticas más empleadas para corregir defectos en los tejidos, debido a que no solo es un medio de relleno, sino que también permite la regeneración y restauración tisular. La presencia de células madre en el tejido adiposo, unido a su accesibilidad, disponibilidad e histocompatibilidad, ha motivado su aplicación cada vez más expandida en la medicina estética, reconstructiva y regenerativa(AU)

Introduction: Mesenchymal stem cells with self-renewing and multipotential capacity have been identified in adipose tissue. By means of enzymatic digestion and centrifugation of the lipoaspirate a heterogeneous population of cells called vascular stromal fraction is released. It has innumerable therapeutic potentialities in the field of regenerative medicine. Objective: To update the scope of stem cells derived from adipose tissue in regenerative therapy. Method: 38 articles published between 2000 and 2019 in the Scielo, ScienceDirect, Medline and Pubmed databases were reviewed. Development: The cells of the vascular stromal fraction are characterized by generating adipose tissue and blood vessels and by the production of growth factors that help in the survival of adipocytes and the formation of a vascular network. The main mechanism of action of stem cells derived from adipose tissue appears to be due to their paracrine action and synergy with endothelial cells. Stem cells derived from adipose tissue have been used in regenerative medicine for the treatment of pathological scars and deforming fibrosis with functional impotence, in the reconstruction of cancer sequelae and in the early closure of bloody areas. Conclusions: Lipotransfer is a procedure with a minimum of complications that constitutes one of the most widely used therapeutic options to correct tissue defects, since it is not only a filling medium, but also allows tissue regeneration and restoration. The presence of stem cells in adipose tissue, together with their accessibility, availability and histocompatibility, has motivated their increasingly widespread application in aesthetic, reconstructive and regenerative medicine(AU)

Humans , Regeneration , Centrifugation , Adipocytes , Regenerative Medicine , Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 36(1): e1090, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126545


Introducción: El cordón umbilical se ha convertido en un elemento de interés para la medicina regenerativa en los últimos años, pues constituye una fuente importante de células madres y progenitores hematopoyéticos. Objetivo: Caracterizar morfológicamente la sangre del cordón umbilical para terapia regenerativa en recién nacidos del Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico Ana Betancourt de Mora. Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico y transversal realizado en el Centro de Inmunología y Productos Biológicos de Camagüey, entre enero y diciembre de 2017. Se evaluaron 35 muestras de sangre del cordón umbilical obtenidas de recién nacidos, que fueron partos eutócicos y sus madres no tuvieron procesos de enfermedades infecciosas. Resultados: El promedio mayor de células mononucleares correspondió a los linfocitos. En el conteo diferencial los polimorfonucleares neutrófilos ocuparon el primer lugar, seguido de los linfocitos, con medias de 0,50 y 0,46 x 109/L, respectivamente. De las células presentes en el frotis del botón, fueron más frecuente los linfocitos con 0.59 x 109/L; se observó un promedio de monocitos de 0,00-0,07 x 109/L. Conclusiones: La obtención de células mononucleares viables a través de la vena umbilical, constituye una técnica promisoria en las investigaciones biomédicas. Entre las células mononucleares predominaron los linfocitos, tanto en la sangre del cordón umbilical como en el botón celular aislado(AU)

Introduction: In recent years, the umbilical cord has become an element of interest for regenerative medicine, based on its importance as a source of stem cells and hematopoietic progenitors. Objective: To characterize the morphology of umbilical cord blood for regenerative therapy in newborns from Ana Betancourt de Mora Gyneco-obstetric University Hospital. Methods: Observational, analytical and cross-sectional study carried out at the Center of Immunology and Biological Products in Camagüey, between January and December 2017. We evaluated 35 samples of umbilical cord blood obtained from newborns who were eutocic deliveries and whose mothers did not have infectious disease processes. Results: The highest average of mononuclear cells corresponded to lymphocytes. In the differential count, neutrophil polymorphonuclear cells ranked first, followed by lymphocytes, with averages of 0.50x109 and 0.46x109 per liter, respectively. Of the cells present in the button cell smear, lymphocytes were more frequent, with 0.59x109 per L; an average of monocytes was observed, with 0.00-0.07x109 per L was observed. Conclusions: Obtaining viable mononuclear cells through the umbilical vein is a promising technique in biomedical research. Among the mononuclear cells, lymphocytes predominated, both in the cord blood and in the isolated cell button(AU)

Humans , Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation/methods , Regenerative Medicine/methods , Blood Cell Count/standards , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. cuba. angiol. cir. vasc ; 20(2)jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1003857


Introducción: El pie diabético isquémico y la enfermedad arterial periférica, son dos enfermedades que ocasionan dolor por isquemia crítica y ponen en peligro la viabilidad de las extremidades inferiores. Objetivo: Demostrar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con las enfermedades citadas. Métodos: Estudio longitudinal, prospectivo y aleatorizado realizado en el Servicio de Angiología del Hospital: Julio Trigo López, entre enero 2016-diciembre 2017. Se incluyeron 26 pacientes en dos grupos de estudios, 10 pacientes no diabéticos con claudicación intermitente y 16 pacientes con lesiones isquémicas en el pie del diabético. Se aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas por vía intramuscular en la pierna afectada, en el primer grupo y de forma intra- y perilesional en el pie del diabético isquémico. Resultados: Se obtuvo alivio del dolor y mejoría en más del 70 por ciento de los pacientes en la distancia de claudicación por encima o cerca de los 200 metros. En los pacientes con pie diabético isquémico, alivio del dolor y cierre de las lesiones isquémicas en el 81,3 por ciento, solo 3 pacientes requirieron amputaciones mayores de los miembros inferiores. Conclusiones: La terapia regenerativa resulta efectiva en el salvataje de las extremidades inferiores en los pacientes estudiados, asociada a los procedimientos convencionales empleados en la cirugía revascularizadora; disminuye la amputación mayor de miembros inferiores y es una posibilidad terapéutica más en manos de especialistas entrenados, por su impacto social y en la calidad de vida de pacientes y familiares(AU)

Introduction: Ischemic diabetic foot and peripheral arterial disease are two conditions that cause pain and put in danger the functionality of lower limbs. Objective: To demonstrate the effectiveness of regenerative therapy with platelet-rich plasma in patients with the above mentioned diseases. Methods: Longitudinal, prospective and randomized study that was conducted in the Angiology Service of Julio Trigo López Hospital, from January 2016 to December 2017. There were 26 patients included in 2 groups: 10 non-diabetic patients with intermittent claudication and 16 patients with ischemic lesions in the diabetic foot. Platelet-rich plasma was used instramuscularly in an affected legs of the first group, and intraperilesional and perilesional in the diabetic foot. Results: There was pain relief and improvement in more than 70 percent of patients in the claudication distance higher or near to 200 meters. In the patients presenting ischemic diabetic foot, pain relief and closing of ischemic lesions in the 81,3 percent , just 3 patients required major amputations of lower limbs. Conclusions: Regenerative therapy results effective in the rescue of lower limbs in patients presenting peripheral arterial disease and ischemic diabetic foot. It also reduces major amputations of lower limbs and it is another therapeutic option in the hands of trained specialists due to its social impact and in the life quality of patients and their families(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Peripheral Arterial Disease/therapy , Prolotherapy/methods , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Cuba
Braz. dent. j ; 30(2): 77-95, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | BNUY, BNUY-Odon, LILACS | ID: biblio-1001438


Abstract The aim of presented systematic scoping review was to investigate the actual and future clinical possibilities of regenerative therapies and their ability to regenerate bone, periodontal and pulp with histological confirmation of the nature of formed tissue. Electronic search was conducted using a combination between Keywords and MeSH terms in PubMed, Scopus, ISI-Web of Science and Cochrane library databases up to January 2016. Two reviewers conducted independently the papers judgment. Screened studies were read following the predetermined inclusion criteria. The included studies were evaluated in accordance with Arksey and O'Malley's modified framework. From 1349 papers, 168 completed inclusion criteria. Several characterized and uncharacterized cells used in Cell Therapy have provided bone regeneration, demonstrating bone gain in quantity and quality, even as accelerators for bone and periodontal regeneration. Synthetic and natural scaffolds presented good cell maintenance, however polyglycolid-polylactid presented faster resorption and consequently poor bone gain. The Growth Factor-Mediated Therapy was able to regenerate bone and all features of a periodontal tissue in bone defects. Teeth submitted to Revascularization presented an increase of length and width of root canal. However, formed tissues not seem able to deposit dentin, characterizing a repaired tissue. Both PRP and PRF presented benefits when applied in regenerative therapies as natural scaffolds. Therefore, most studies that applied regenerative therapies have provided promising results being possible to regenerate bone and periodontal tissue with histological confirmation. However, pulp regeneration was not reported. These results should be interpreted with caution due to the short follow-up periods.

Resumo O objetivo da presente Scoping review foi investigar as possibilidades clínicas atuais e futuras das terapias regenerativas e sua capacidade de regenerar tecido ósseo, periodontal e polpar em humanos com confirmação histológica da natureza do tecido formado. Uma busca eletrônica foi realizada utilizando uma combinação entre as palavras-chave e termos MeSH nos bancos de dados PubMed, Scopus, ISI-web of Science e Cochrane library até janeiro de 2016. Dois revisores realizaram de forma independente o julgamento dos documentos. Os estudos selecionados foram lidos seguindo os critérios de inclusão predeterminados. Os estudos incluídos foram avaliados de acordo com a estrutura modificada de Arksey e O'Malley. Dos 1349 artigos, 168 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Várias células caracterizadas e não caracterizadas promoveram regeneração óssea utilizada em terapias celulares, demonstrando ganho ósseo em quantidade e qualidade, de forma rápida para regeneração óssea e periodontal. Os scaffolds sintéticos e naturais apresentaram boa manutenção celular, no entanto o poliglicol-polilácido apresentou uma reabsorção rápida e, consequentemente, pequeno ganho ósseo. A terapia mediada por fatores de crescimento foi capaz de regenerar tecido ósseo e todas as características de um tecido periodontal. Dentes submetidos à revascularização apresentaram aumento do comprimento e largura do canal radicular. No entanto, os tecidos formados não foram capazes de depositar dentina, caracterizando um tecido reparado. Tanto o PRP quanto o PRF parecem apresentar benefícios quando aplicados em terapias regenerativas sendo um bom scaffold natural. Portanto, a maioria dos estudos que aplicaram terapias regenerativas forneceram resultados promissores sendo possível regenerar tecido ósseo e periodontal com confirmação histológica. No entanto, não foi observada regeneração de polpa dental. Estes resultados devem ser interpretados com cautela.

Root Canal Therapy , Dental Pulp , Bone Regeneration , Periodontium , Dentin
Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine ; : 108-114, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786461


Owing to its highly biocompatible property as naturally produced nanoscale particle and drug carrying ability, exosome has attracted much interest in the biomedical area. Versatile functions of exosome in biological system play an important role in elucidating mysterious and unknown biological processes and pathological disease progression. For usage of exosome as brain disease therapeutics, even though the ability of exosomes crossing blood brain barrier (BBB) is not well clearly proven, the small size and their own characteristics possessing cell-derived molecular contents may provide great and beneficial tools for brain delivery and brain-associated disease therapy. A variety of trials related to bioapplications using stem cell-derived exosome in regenerative therapy or autologous exosome shuttling inhibitor targeting brain disease-associated protein marker enhance possibility of exosome toward clinical application. The radionuclide PETor SPECT imaging of radiolabeled exosome will be clearly able to provide accurate clues for analyzing their whole body distribution, targeting efficacy, and the degree of non-specific tissue uptake. In this perspective, the practical information on thranostics of exosome for brain delivery and therapy is offered and radionuclide-based exosome applicability will be dealt with.

Biological Phenomena , Blood-Brain Barrier , Brain Diseases , Brain , Disease Progression , Exosomes , Lifting , Radionuclide Imaging , Theranostic Nanomedicine , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(3): 215-220, Mar. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-842060


O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) consiste em uma alta concentração de plaquetas em um pequeno volume de plasma, sendo, em média, quatro vezes maior que a concentração sérica. O uso de PRP é justificado pela alta concentração de fatores de crescimento presentes em grânulos no interior das plaquetas, que possuem diversas funções como proliferação celular, quimiotaxia, angiogênese e diferenciação celular, que ampliam o poder de reparação tecidual. Há diversos protocolos para obtenção do PRP em equinos descritos na literatura, dentre os quais destacam-se os de dupla centrifugação, os automatizados e os filtros. Há diferenças substanciais no conteúdo do PRP dependendo do seu método de obtenção, principalmente no que se diz respeito à quantidade de leucócitos, plaquetas e concentração de fatores de crescimento. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a utilização do concentrado de plaquetas obtido por protocolo de dupla centrifugação e o obtido pelo filtro E-PET (Equine Platelet Enhancement Therapy), levando-se em consideração a concentração plaquetária e leucocitária final, a quantificação de fatores de crescimento (TGFß e PDGF-BB) e a facilidade de realização entre tais métodos. Utilizou-se nove animais para a obtenção de PRP por dupla centrifugação e através do filtro E-PET, não havendo diferença estatística (p>0,05) entre os métodos de obtenção em relação à concentração plaquetária e leucocitária, entretanto, houve diferença estatística (p=0,002; p=0,004, respectivamente) em relação a concentração de TGFß e PDGF-BB. Dessa forma, concluiu-se que o filtro E-PET mostrou-se um método mais efetivo, sendo possível sua utilização à campo, além de proporcionar uma maior concentração de fatores de crescimento TGFß e PDGF-BB.(AU)

The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) consists of a high concentration of platelets in a small volume of plasma, four times greater (average) than the serum concentration. The use of PRP is justified by the high concentration of growth factors present in granules in the platelets, which have several functions such as cell proliferation, chemotaxis, angiogenesis and differenciation, which extend the power of tissue repair. There are several protocols to obtain PRP in horses described in the literature, among which are highlighted the double centrifugation, automated and filters. There are substantial differences in the PRP content depending on its method of production, especially when it concerns the amount of leukocytes, platelets and concentration of growth factors. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the use of platelet concentrates obtained by double centrifugation protocol and obtained by the filter E-PET (Equine Platelet Enhancement Therapy) taking into account the platelet and leukocyte final concentration, the quantification of growth factors (TGFß and PDGF-BB) and the facility to do those methods. Nine horses were used to obtain PRP by double centrifugation and through the E-PET filter, with no statistical difference (p>0.05) between the methods relative to the platelet and leukocyte concentration; however, there was statistical difference (p=0.002 and p=0.004 respectively) compared with the concentration of TGFß and PDGF-BB. It was concluded that the E-PET filter proved to be a more effective method possible to use in the field and to provide a higher concentration of growth factors (TGFß and PDGF-BB).(AU)

Animals , Centrifugation/methods , Horses/blood , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-sis , Transforming Growth Factors
Medisan ; 20(9)set. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-797490


Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 69 años de edad, quien acudió a la consulta de medicina regenerativa por presentar estrés mantenido y pérdida del cabello, para lo cual se decidió aplicar la bioestimulación con plasma rico en plaquetas lisado como terapia regenerativa, con plaquetas alogénicas en forma tópica, puesto que es un tratamiento inocuo y carente de complicaciones. Se obtuvo un incremento de los cabellos, espesamiento de la zona alopécica y la paciente recuperó su apariencia.

The case report of a 69 years patient is described who went to the regenerative medicine service for presenting maintained stress and loss of her hair, for which it was decided to evaluate biostimulation with platelets rich plasm as regenerative therapy for her, with topical allogeneic platelets, since it is an innocuous treatment with no complications. An increment and growing of the hair in the alopecic area was obtained and the patient recovered her look.

Alopecia/therapy , Platelet-Rich Plasma
J Biosci ; 2016 Mar; 41(1): 157-165
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181556


The main objective of regenerative medicine is to replenish cells or tissues or even to restore different body parts that are lost or damaged due to disease, injury and aging. Several avenues have been explored over many decades to address the fascinating problem of regeneration at the cell, tissue and organ levels. Here we discuss some of the primary approaches adopted by researchers in the context of enhancing the regenerating ability of mammals. Natural regeneration can occur in different animal species, and the underlying mechanism is highly relevant to regenerative medicine-based intervention. Significant progress has been achieved in understanding the endogenous regeneration in urodeles and fishes with the hope that they could help to reach our goal of designing future strategies for human regeneration.

Medisan ; 19(11)nov.-nov. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-768117


Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 50 años de edad, quien acudió a consulta con signos de envejecimiento facial, para solicitar un tratamiento restituido sin intervención quirúrgica, por lo cual se decidió aplicar la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas autólogas, teniendo en cuenta que es un tratamiento inocuo, y carente de complicaciones. Finalmente, el cambio fue evidente y la fémina quedó satisfecha con los resultados estéticos y faciales obtenidos.

The case report of a 50 years patient is described who presented signs of facial aging, to request a restoration treatment without surgical intervention, reason why it was decided to apply her the regenerative therapy with rich autologous platelets plasma, keeping in mind that it is an innocuous and lack of complications treatment. Finally, the change was evident and the patient was satisfied with the obtained aesthetic and facial results.

Rejuvenation , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Prolotherapy
Medisan ; 19(10)oct.-oct. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-762748


Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional.

A comparative, longitudinal and prospective study of 60 adults with deep burns, assisted in "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, from February, 2013 to the same month of 2014, to evaluate the effectiveness of the regenerative therapy with platelets rich plasma for the scaring of these lesions. The sample was divided into 2 groups of 30 members each: in those of the first group platelets rich plasma was applied and in those of the second group silver sulfadiazine was used. The absolute frequencies and the percentage were used as summary measures for qualitative variables, as well as the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation for the quantitative ones. With procedure applied, the scaring was completed at the least time, so that the effectiveness of this therapeutic alternative was demonstrated in relation to the conventional treatment.

Burns , Prolotherapy , Secondary Care , Blood Platelets
Medisan ; 19(5)mayo.-mayo 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-747707


Se efectuó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 27 pacientes de ambos sexos, a quienes se les realizó exéresis de tatuaje y recibieron concentrado de plaquetas en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, durante el periodo 2012-2014, con vistas a caracterizarles. Para el procesamiento de la información se emplearon el paquete estadístico SPSS 11.5, las frecuencias absolutas, el porcentaje, la media aritmética y la desviación estándar. Predominaron los afectados menores de 30 años, varones, con tatuajes que tenían poca densidad, profundidad y menos de 10 000 mm² de superficie, ubicados en la cara anterior del antebrazo. La aplicación del plasma rico en plaquetas disminuyó considerablemente el tiempo de cicatrización y no fue necesario el injerto de piel. La mayoría tuvo una evolución favorable y se sintieron satisfechos con el tratamiento.

An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study of 27 patients of both sexes to whom tattoo exeresis were carried out and received platelets concentrates in the Plastic surgery Service of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out during the period 2012-2014, with the aim of characterizing them. For the processing of the information the statistical package SPSS 11.5, the absolute frequencies, the percentage, the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation were used. The affected patients under 30 years, male sex, with tattoos which had little density, depth and less than 10 000 mm² surface, located in the posterior side of the forearm prevailed. The use of the platelet-rich in plasma considerably decreased the time of scaring and the skin graft was not necessary. Most of the patients had a favorable clinical course and felt satisfied with the treatment.

Tattooing , Prolotherapy , Secondary Care , Blood Platelets
Medisan ; 18(10)oct.-oct. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-727584


Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente con hemofilia A, atendido en el Servicio de Hematología del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, con hematoma en la región posterolateral del muslo izquierdo, en los músculos bíceps crurales, con un área cruenta de 19 cm de largo por 10,5 de ancho, por lo cual se indicó tratamiento local con concentrados de plaquetas alogénicas congeladas 2 veces por semana. No se registraron reacciones adversas y a los 3 meses se logró el cierre de la lesión sin complicaciones.

The case report of a patient, with hemophilia A, assisted in the Hematology Service of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, with hematoma in the posterior and lateral region of the left thigh, in the biceps femoris muscles, with a bloody area of 19 cm length and 10,5 wide is presented, reason why local treatment was indicated with concentrates of frozen allogeneic platelets 2 twice a week. Adverse reactions were not observed and after 3 months the healing of the lesion was achieved without complications.

Blood Platelets , Prolotherapy , Hemophilia A , Therapeutics , Thigh , Wounds and Injuries , Secondary Care , Hamstring Muscles
Medisan ; 17(2): 398-403, feb. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-667913


Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 20 años de edad, quien acudió a consulta para solicitar que le retiraran, de la manera más estética posible, un tatuaje que exhibía en el miembro inferior derecho desde hacía 10 años, el cual le impedía optar por una carrera militar. Una vez realizada la exéresis quirúrgica de dicho tatuaje se procedió a la aplicación local de concentrados de plaquetas como método alternativo. A los 20 días ya se había obtenido una cicatrización total, no aparecieron reacciones adversas y la joven quedó totalmente satisfecha con el medicamento empleado.

The case report of a 20 year-old female patient who went to the department for the removal, in the most aesthetic way, of a tattoo in the right lower member for the last 10 years, which avoided her to opt for a military career is described. Once the exeresis of this tattoo was made, the local application of concentrated platelets was carried out as alternative method. After 20 days, a total scarring had already been obtained, there were not adverse reactions and the patient was completely satisfied with the used medication.

Int. j. morphol ; 29(3): 769-781, Sept. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-608656


Las células madre mesenquimales son poblaciones multipotentes de células que tienen amplia capacidad de diferenciación, plasticidad y potencial inmunosupresor, lo que las hace una herramienta de gran importancia en las terapias basadas en células.En función de su potencial, se ha determinado que las células perivasculares poseen características de células madre de gran potencial clínico, no obstante, las propiedades biológicas que llevan a su diferenciación son menos comprendidas. Los últimos avances en la comprensión de la relación entre pericitos y las células madre mesenquimales plantean funciones específicas de tejido, así como, su potencial uso terapéutico en las isquemia, tales como, la cerebro-vascular y un mejor entendimiento de la vascularización patológica tumoral. A pesar de la creciente aceptación que las células perivasculares están relacionada o son células madre mesenquimales, existen escasas pruebas experimentales que muestren la diferenciación de pericitos en diferentes tipos de células (Feng et al., 2010). En esta revisión documentamos los fundamentos biológicos de los pericitos que respaldan su uso en terapia regenerativa.

Mesenchymal stem cells are a multipotent population of cells that have extensive capacity for differentiation, plasticity and immunosuppressive potential, making them an important tool in cell-based therapies. According to their potential, it has been determined that perivascular cells have stem cell characteristics of great clinical potential, however, the biological properties that lead to their differentiation are less understood. Recent advances in understanding the relationship between pericytes and mesenchymal stem cells pose tissue-specific functions, as well as their potential therapeutic use in ischemia, such as cerebro-vascular and a better understanding of the pathological tumor vascularization. Despite the growing acceptance that perivascular cells are related, or that they are mesenchymal stem cells, there is little experimental evidence to show the differentiation of pericytes in different cell types (Feng et al., 2010). In this review we document the biological basis of pericytes that support their use in regenerative therapy.

Animals , Brain Neoplasms/therapy , Brain Neoplasms/ultrastructure , Pericytes/cytology , Pericytes/pathology , Pericytes/transplantation , Regenerative Medicine/methods
Journal of Veterinary Science ; : 173-175, 2010.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-96820


This case report describes the intralesional application of autologous conditioned plasma (ACP) in seven horses as treatment of severe tendinitis of the superficial digital flexor tendon, deep digital flexor tendon, or desmitis of the inferior check ligament. Follow-up data of the horses revealed a positive outcome in 10 to 13 months post injury. All horses treated with ACP were either performing in their previous work-load or were back in full training. Further studies with long-term follow-up will have to be performed to support these clinical intermediate-term observations.

Animals , Female , Male , Blood Component Transfusion/veterinary , Horses/injuries , Ligaments/injuries , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Tendinopathy/pathology